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"'Out of the Ashes' is literary heart surgery. Evetts dives headfirst into the "too hard basket" and does justice to weighty human experiences. I had to stop and breathe at times. It's a beautiful story. It's not overwritten, nor does it gloss over the struggles. I cannot wait for more books from this author. This book is a bestseller."


"I absolutely loved this book! I didn't want to put it down once I'd started reading it as I journeyed with Grace on her roller coaster ride of emotional pain, grief to finding hope, love & life again. I cried, laughed, held my breath in anticipation & celebrated with the characters because I found it so easy to relate to them & the vibrancy they had been given by author. A worthwhile read for so many reasons."


"To say this was an emotional book, would be a discredit to what the writer has done here. She carefully crafted her words into a beautifully written story. one where she mixes detail with emotion in to ever page, allowing the reader to not only read the story but to experience it with the characters. This book is worth the emotions you feel while going on this journey because in the end you’ll have new found sense of resiliency, love, and appreciation of your inner Strength. Read this book."


"I had it all just like Grace - a happy marriage, dedicated husband and four beautiful children when one day my husband and two eldest children were killed in an accident. I started to read Vanessa’s book and didn’t think after the first few pages I would get to the end. However, I did! It is a beautifully written book full of loss, grief, love and most importantly hope. There are few books out there for a grieving wife and mum as relatable as this one. When I got to 50% I didn’t sleep until I finished the book. Congratulations Vanessa, a great read and I especially like how it ends :)"


"It is not often that a book captures your attention from the very first page, but this is the case with Vanessa Evetts debut novel, Out of the Ashes. The book is both, raw and honest yet at the same time challenges readers to appreciate and value their own circumstances and live a life that is courageous."

"A captivating debut novel about loss, survival, courage, vulnerability and inner strength. Out of the Ashes is a heart-felt book about overcoming and moving forward."


If you've ever experienced loss or want to relate to someone who has - read this!

"So hard to put down, what a stellar, raw, engaging read. Like reading a journal, Grace became so real for me and her story really came alive for me in these pages. Such an amazing debut novel - taking this as a sign for things to come, Vanessa Evetts is one to watch for real reads that draw on your emotions and lead you through a journey of self-discovery as the story unfolds along with you. Part raw, gritty novel, part self-help book, part lesson in empathy, part travel brochure and entirely a worthwhile read. Vanessa just gets what it is to be human and communicates it so beautiful in an engaging and enthralling way."


"I've not had a book affect me the way this one did in a very long time! It is a rollercoaster story that rips your heart out and pieces it back together chapter by chapter. I highly recommend this book and cannot wait until Vanessa's next book 'Beautiful Fragments' comes out!"


"I saw a friend had mentioned this book so as I have a friend who has recently lost a child I wanted to understand grief better. I wanted to know how I could support her better. I found this book did two things. Helped me recognise where my friend is and where she will go. Also appreciated the beauty and grace in which the story was told. I do so believe that beauty can come out of ashes."



"I loved this book, couldn't put it down. Powerful, thought-provoking, moving ( you will need the tissues). Grace Kingston's journey will stay with you for a long time and make you reflect on how you face your own challenges. A definite must read!"


"This was such a real, raw, incredibly written book which I found hard to put down. Went right down into the depth of grief as if the author was right there herself. Loved all the facets of this book."


"Really enjoyed this book. Loved the honesty and the raw emotion.Highlighted that everyone’s journey through grief to renewed hope is so different. Beautifully written with a tender approach, set in some stunning locations."


"It's been a while since I've read a book with characters I wished I was friends with. Out of the Ashes' main character, Grace, had my heart from the moment I met her. Evetts use of vivid imagery, raw emotion and realistic dialogue takes the reader on a journey with Grace through the depths of loss and grief into the hope of life and joy."

"I cried and I laughed and I hoped... this is one of those stories I believe will help me become a better person by seeing how honesty in relationships -especially honesty with one's self- can bring healing and freedom."

"I'm looking forward to reading more from this talented author who has her finger on the pulse of human emotions."


"I was so blown away by this story. The author has done such an exquisite job of weaving all the grief, pain, joy, sadness and hope into a real and absorbing story that will stay with me a long time. I’ve learned a lot from Grace and all the characters she met on her travels."


"Oh my goodness. Wow, wow, wow wow! We're my words when I finished reading this book. A beautifully and masterfully told drama and romance story about a woman's journey from horrific personal tragedy to healing, wholeness and new life. The story is interwoven with suspense, humour, heart and love. The characters are so authentic you would think this was the author's own story. A truly wonderful and inspiring story and a real page-turner. As I journeyed with the character through her courageous story of stepping out of darkness and despair it touched and challenged me on a personal level as I witnessed people around her supporting her as she moved into facing her fears, moved on from terrible grief, organising her world afresh in order to choose life. This book encouraged and impacted me in a way that I wondered if I needed to let go of some past experiences and embrace life more deeply. This story highlighted to me personally the depths of joy and love and hope that are possible if one can find a way to learn to move on and create a beautiful new life. I highly recommend this book. It is full of adventure, drama, excitement and fun. You'll be on the edge of your seat!"




LATE 2019


© 2021 by Vanessa Evetts

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